Project Description

DeMaria transformed the entire original VA medical tower built in 1950 into a modern, 21st century treatment and diagnostic center.  Phasing, worksite cleanliness and segregating the building from occupants was critical.  Demolition was completed using bobcats and hydraulic breakers with scrubbers on the exhausts.  Much pre-planning and tracing out of all utilities was put forth in order to keep uninterrupted service to the basement and 8th and 9th floors which could not experience power shutdown during construction.

DeMaria partnered with a consultant to decommission fume hoods and associated ductwork due to the presence of toxic chemicals used within the lab.  The ductwork had been determined to be volatile and could explode during demolition and removal.  This work was accomplished during off hours to minimize risk.

Upgrading the ventilation, HVAC, and electrical systems were also a large part of the scope. The 4th floor was transformed into a mechanical and electrical floor with modern plumbing, HVAC equipment, AHU’s, power, and fire protection service to feed the newly renovated floors.  New fire rated shafts were also installed to feed the floors above and below.

Project Highlights

BUDGET: $36,000,000

OWNER: Department of Veterans Affairs

ENGINEER/ARCHITECT: Harley Ellis Devereaux

General Contracting