Project Description

DeMaria was hired to complete the Co-Generation Energy System project at the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center in Ann Arbor, MI. The project includes the design and installation of a natural gas fired turbine generator with a heat recovery steam generator.  This plant will produces 1 MW of electricity, and recover heat at a rate of 2200 MBtu/hr for 150 PSIG Steam.

The project scope includes the system installation with a matched alternating current (A/C) generator, generator controls; natural gas metering, power metering, data acquisition, and computer control equipment; utility interconnection equipment, including transformers, switchgear, and protective relays; computer control software; and associated ancillary materials and equipment and permanent steel platforms, stairs, handrail and ladders.


Project Highlights

BUDGET: $6,160,000

OWNER: Department of Veterans Affairs

ENGINEER/ARCHITECT: SSOE Architects Engineers, Inc.
