Project Description

The Heritage Final Assembly Plant embraces sustainable design. DeMaria literally laid the ground floor from which the modern plant could be launched. In early 2003, utilizing in-house skilled trade labor, DeMaria completed a concrete slab-on-grade and concrete process pits project for the Heritage Plant at the Rouge Complex in Dearborn, Michigan.

Highlights include:

Fiber reinforced concrete floor

1,000,000 sf of floor created

24 process pits created

Some pits were 300 ft. long & 18 ft. deep

Over 25,000 cy of concrete

14,000 yds. poured in 12 weeks

Largest pour in one week: 1,557 yds.

Flat floor with a tolerance of FF35/FL25

Heritage Plant is Gold LEED Certified by the U.S Green Building Council


Project Highlights

BUDGET: $7,000,000

OWNER: Ford Motor Company


General Contracting