The Green Team’s primary function is to ensure that all jobsite activities follow the best sustainable cosntruction practices.  Below are the minimum guidelines each of our construction prjoects follow to ensure they are in compliance with DeMaria’s sustainability goals.


Site Logistic Plans

  • Access to and from site to limit unnecessary mitigation of soil leaving the site on vehicle tires
  • Emergency Spill Response locations
  • Washout Areas

Subcontractor Selection

  • Selecting subcontractors who embrace the same goals in sustainable construction
  • Review construction documents and when possible offer alternatives that offer better sustainable construction through saved energy, or longer lifespan.

Construction (Office)

Distribution of Contract Documents

  • Provide Contract Documents including all bulletins and changes electronically to avoid unnecessary printing and use of paper
  • All project communication delivered through DeMaria’s Project Portal called Trac2 (Team Resource and Communication Center)

Office supplies

  • Limit printing of paper copies
  • Distribute meeting minutes, submittals, RFI’s Direction Orders electronically through Trac2 or email.
  • Limit color printing
  • Recycle Paper
  • Recycling of Copier and Printer Toner cartages

Construction (Site)

  • Erosion and sedimentation control
  • Utilize silt fence, erosion ells, and track off areas to limit the amount of soil mitigation from the site.
  • Limit  idle time of equipment and delivery vehicles when possible
  • Encourage carpooling and ride sharing to the project site

  • Provide timers temporary lighting and power when possible and practical
  • Provide CFL’s in temporary lighting to reduce energy usage
  • Utilize battery operated equipment when possible and practical
  • Provide recycling receptacles on the project site for

  • Capture and utilize rainwater for dust control when possible
  • Do not use or limit the use of new equipment and ductwork to provide conditioned air to construction spaces
  • Utilize the use of Bio diesel for powering equipment
  • Utilize natural gas when practical for temporary heating in lieu of propane.


Provide a commissioning agent to monitor and insure that the correct material and systems are installed and preform and document functional testing.


Provide all documentation including O&M’s, Commissioning Manuals training videos, on Compact Disc or USB drive.